
Super Sonic Technology

Super Sonic Technology

Sewing technology has come a long way in recent times, and with new developments, the levels of comfort and freedom of movement offered by sports garments have risen dramatically. Fabric consisting of two or more layers naturally loses some of its elasticity, and where complex design features also involve larger numbers of seams, comfort levels are also affected. The usual measures taken to try to overcome these issues include the use of seam sealing tape and improved sewing methods.

Descente, however, employs a supersonic wave seamless welding technique to bond fabrics together. Because the pieces are fused, there are no sewn seams, and by using a three layered, coated fabric and backing tape, the strength achieved is sufficient to stand up to even the most rigorous use. This technique also makes for surprising lightness, and the lack of weight helps the fabric to retain its natural elasticity. This brings a smooth, clean look to the finished product, even when viewed from the reverse side. It is this which enables Descente to combine so well high design qualities with maximum wearability.